Additional support in childcare settings

Additional support in childcare settings
If your child needs additional support within their childcare setting, the setting may apply for additional funding.
Early Years Inclusion Fund
Early years settings, childminders and school nurseries can apply for additional funding to support children with identified special educational needs in their setting.
The Early Years Inclusion Fund is available to support funded children, aged two, three and four in nursery schools and classes, private or voluntary settings, or with childminders.
The inclusion fund is designed to support those children who already have identified needs, and have agencies working together with them. It will be based on the needs of the child and will support the practitioners to improve the child’s early learning and development outcomes.
The application process uses the existing assessments made by the early years’ provider and other agencies as a basis for funding allocation, alongside the pre-school matrix of developmental needs. The level of funding awarded will vary depending on the child’s level of need and may be used by the provider to enhance staffing ratios for part of the week, to meet the child’s needs.
Disability Access Fund (DAF)
The Disability Access Fund is available to support children from 9 months old to 4 year olds in their early years settings, who are in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
This fund is not available to 4 year olds who are attending maintained, academy or free school reception classes.
Eligible children can receive £910 per year, and this is paid to the childcare provider that the parent nominates. This is not based on an hourly rate and is an additional entitlement.
The funding aims to support providers in making reasonable adjustments to their settings and/or helping with building capacity. It cannot be used to pay for additional hours. Providers should discuss with parents how they intend to use the funding to support the child’s needs.
Children do not need to take up all of their entitled 570 hours of funded early education to be able to access the Disability Access Fund.
The funding will not be reclaimed if the child moves settings. The new setting will be able to apply again for the funding the following year.
To claim this funding for your child, the setting will need to see your child’s notification of DLA.
Early Years High Needs Base provision
High Needs SEND Base provision offer places for children aged two to five years with High Needs SEND, within an environment that will meet their learning and development needs, enable integration and be staffed by practitioners able to offer specialism.
The Early Years High Needs Base provision offers:
- Places for two, three and four year old children whose needs cannot be fully met within mainstream provision.
- Provision for the number of hours of their free entitlement for two, three and four year olds.
- Indoor and outdoor provision at the heart of the setting that provides inclusive learning opportunities in all areas of the EYFS curriculum.
- A team of staff who are highly trained and experienced in the field of SEND.
- An environment and resources specifically sourced to reduce barriers to learning and support development within core areas of learning for children with SEND.
- A high ratio of staff available to meet the needs of pupils who require more specific care.
Where are the High Needs Bases?
- All Saints C of E Primary School
- Grosvenor Nursery School
- Children’s Opportunity Group
- The Orchards Nursery School
- Thomasson Memorial School (Children with Hearing Impairment)
How do I apply?
Professionals working with your child, who feel that the criteria are met, can apply by submitting a High Needs Base referral form along with your child’s Early Help Assessment and supporting evidence to the Early Years SEN High Needs Base Panel, where it will be assessed against a matrix of development to determine a child’s level of needs.
Contact us
Bolton Start Well SEND
Harvey Start Well Family Hub
Shaw Street
- 01204 338149