Request a residents parking permit scheme for my street
To create a residents permit scheme would require the promotion of a legal traffic regulation order. This costs in the region of £3,800 in addition to the cost of the signs and road marking. At the present time there is no budget available for undertaking this type of work.
Alongside the cost, there are several negative sides to the promotion of a permit parking scheme:
- the schemes move non-resident parking to neighbouring streets (that to do not have restrictions) leading to problems for residents in these areas
- the possession of a permit implies that a space will be available for the vehicle. As many homes now have more than one vehicle, this is not always the case
- visitor parking can cause problem as visitors (even with a permit) are in effect 'taking someone else’s space'
- on narrow streets parking spaces can only be provided on one side of the road. Double yellow lines would then be necessary on the opposite side thus reducing parking availability to residents by 50%
- difficulties in accommodating the attendance of visiting service providers such as window cleaners, doctors, builders etc.
- there is an annual charge for resident permit parking and all residents must be in agreement with the imtroduction of the scheme
If you are still interested, and should permit parking schemes be promoted in the future, your area can be considered by expressing an interest by using our online form.