Raise your voice and bang on the door - let them know that Bolton’s ready to take the game to its heart.
Sign up to keep informed on the progress of the bid and the latest news about the games in 2021.
Take pictures or videos and share your views on social media about why you support the Bolton bid and tag us in #RLWC2021Bolton
Tell us your views about Rugby League or share your ideas to help us get more people involved…
- Were you aware that the RLWC2021 was coming to England and that Bolton’s bidding to part-host the competition?
- Do you think that part-hosting the 2021 Rugby League World Cup would be good for Bolton and Rugby League in general and if so how?
- Have you any ideas for community events and activities that would support the event?
Interested in starting your own team and want advice or want to know more about local clubs to follow?
Companies and partner organisations:
- Can you help promote the campaign on your website and on social media?
- Have you events or ideas which could be used to help promote the RLWC2021 competition?
- Do you need any RLWC2021 branded promotional posters and support materials (including digital elements)?
- Have you a big event that you would like the Rugby League World Cup to come to you on display for?