Published: Tuesday, 1st Dec 2020

Bolton Council is calling on residents to look out for their neighbours by cutting back their overgrown garden hedges.

Highways and Engineering have recorded a number of complaints of overgrown hedges which are restricting access to public walkways.



The council is asking residents to check their own trees and hedges and to cut them back if they are overhanging a footpath.

Councillor Stuart Haslam said: “Along some paths in the borough, people are having to step out into the road to navigate their way around overgrown hedges. This is especially difficult for those with prams or mobility problems and with the dark evenings, having to walk in the road is particularly dangerous.

“We are appealing to residents with overgrown hedges to cut them back and remind them it’s the responsibility of the householder, not the council. Failing to adhere to this, as a very last resort, could result in court action, but we want to obviously avoid this happening.”