Published: Monday, 9th Nov 2020

Accurate as of 1pm on 9 November 2020

National measures - 5 November


Updated guidance about social distancing

The government has updated the guidance about social distancing in line with the new national restrictions that commenced on 5 November.

Social distancing is essential to stop the spread of the virus, as it is more likely to spread when people are close together. An infected person can pass on the virus even if they do not have any symptoms, through talking, breathing, coughing or sneezing.

To reduce the risk of catching or spreading coronavirus, you should:

  • minimise time spent outside your home
  • when around other people ensure that you are 2m apart from anyone not in your household or support bubble
  • avoid physical contact
  • avoid being close and face-to-face
  • avoid shouting or singing close to them
  • avoid crowded areas with lots of people
  • avoid touching things that other people have touched.

Making a childcare bubble with another household


The government has published guidance about how you can get informal childcare for children aged 13 or under from friends and family you do not live with.


A childcare bubble is where one household links with one other household to provide informal childcare to a child or children aged 13 or under. They can provide the childcare in either or both of the homes from the two households. ‘Informal’ childcare means it is unpaid and unregistered. The childcare can be provided where necessary in any location – public or private, indoors or outdoors.


New protections for renters during national restrictions

New means mean housing evictions will not be enforced until 11 January 2021 at the earliest.

The only exceptions to this will be the most egregious cases, including where tenants have demonstrated anti-social behaviour or are the perpetrator of domestic abuse in social housing, and the landlord rightly would like to re-let their property to another tenant.


Bolton Market is open

During the November measures Bolton Market remains open for your food and essential goods.


Remembrance Sunday

If you didn’t get a chance to view it, you can still see how Bolton commemorated our fallen, during these difficult times. Our Remembrance Sunday service video is available on our website.

The town hall is also being lit red in remembrance.


Bolton Council's Money Skills Service here to help

It’s ‘Talk Money Week’ this week (November 9 to 13) and Bolton Council’s Money Skills Service is here to help

Talk Money Week wants us to open up more about our money problems and Bolton Council’s Money Skills Service is urging people to contact them for free debt and money advice.



For the latest updates


Bolton Council


Business Bolton


Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Bolton at Home

Bolton CVS

Greater Manchester Fire Service

Transport for Greater Manchester (Link no longer live).