Published: Wednesday, 26th Aug 2020

Councillor David Greenhalgh, the Leader of Bolton Council said: “I am delighted that the Mayor Of Greater Manchester has listened and respected my call to have restrictions eased in Bolton.

"These decisions must be locally based and data driven.

Covid Stats 26 Aug


"According to the data, the number of positive cases this week, for the borough, has fallen dramatically and continues the downward trend. We are way outside those authorities that are areas of concern on government lists.

“That is not to say that there is any room for complacency. Guidance must still be followed and our enforcement will still be robust and we will not tolerate premises and residents flaunting the rules.

“But it is clear to me that this one size fits all approach across Greater Manchester is inappropriate.

“We are asking for the support of Greater Manchester leaders to recognise that Bolton should join Wigan in having restrictions eased.

“We are thankfully not seeing anywhere near the number of hospital admissions leading to deaths as we did in April, May and June, and we must now be allowed to get back to a degree of normality that allows residents to go about their lives while accepting personal responsibility and following the guidance and safety measures.

“I have been in contact with the Health Secretary directly to express our administration’s view.”