Bolton has launched the ‘Bolton Can Quit’ stop-smoking campaign to encourage people to #QuitForCovid.
The campaign aims to help smokers to quit during the current coronavirus pandemic and supports Greater Manchester’s ‘You Can’ stop smoking campaign.
Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your health, and there has never been a more important time to quit. You are more likely to succeed in quitting smoking with advice, support and stop smoking medication.
Pharmacies across the borough will be supporting the ‘Bolton Can Quit’ campaign, and are able to provide you with advice, information and guidance on the best nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for you e.g patches, gum and inhalers to help you quit. During COVID-19 pharmacies are carrying out all their consultations over the phone.
Find your closest pharmacy offering Stop Smoking Support to book your appointment.
Please bear in mind that pharmacies are extremely busy during the Coronavirus crisis it is advised you phone in advance to check availability.
You can also access support from home by calling the Stop Smoking helpline on 0300 123 1044 to talk to a trained adviser.
Specialist Stop Smoking Support for Pregnant Women
Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do to stay safe, stay healthy and give your baby the best start in life.
In addition to following government guidelines around social distancing, pregnant women are encouraged now more than ever to start their journey to becoming smoke free, to protect themselves and their families during this critical time.
Bolton NHS Foundation Trust is continuing to offer a range of excellent stop smoking support to local pregnant women and their families through the Specialist Stop Smoking Service for pregnant women.
Midwife support workers provide telephone and online advice and support to discuss your pregnancy health issues and options for quitting.
The service offer includes behavioural support and access to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products to pregnant women and their partners.
Start your journey to becoming smoke-free by contacting the Specialist Stop Smoking Support for pregnant women on 07827 992883 or by speaking to your local community midwife.