During Mental Health Awareness Week Bolton Library and Museum service are providing online activities to help people better cope with isolation and look after their mental health and well-being.
Library and Museum Services online week programme Tuesday 19 May to Sunday 24 May
Day |
Activity |
Tuesday 19 May
Art @ home
We’ll be looking again at Vanessa Bell’s View into a Garden. You’ll hear about Bell’s beautiful painting of a room in her home, Charleston. Charleston was a place of solace and comfort. There are times when we all need a room like this.
Wednesday 20 May |
Health @ home Join us for an online meditation session helping you relax the body and rest the mind.
Thursday 21 May
Mystery Bolton photos - reminisce over photos from the archives. |
Friday 22 May |
Stories @ home
Live 11am Shasha’s storytime. This week she reads ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas. |
Saturday 23 May |
Stories @ home
Join us for an extra story time especially for Elmer’s Day. Wear your brightest colours!
Sunday 24 May |
11.30am Reading @ home
Join Emma live and ask her questions about children’s reading recommendations. This week we will be talking about mental health books for children and young people. |
Share your Reads
A new ‘Share Your Reads’ forum has also been launched so people can share their views on the books they are reading as it helps promote the benefits of reading and encourages more social contact during the isolation of lockdown.
Reading a book you'd like to share then visit Bolton Libraries’ new Facebook group page!
‘Share Your Reads’ is a group for readers and librarians to share ideas, recommend and review. A great way to meet new virtual friends who enjoy reading just as much as you!
You can share a recommendation, share your thoughts on a book from the past, share books that have been inspirational or share books on a theme. Just post the cover of your book, with a few words and comment on other people's posts.
For more information please head to Bolton Library and Museum’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/boltonlibraryandmuseumservices and go to the groups section to join Share Your Reads.
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