Consultation has started about polling districts in the borough.
Every five years the council must carry out a review of its polling districts and polling stations. For voting purposes each council ward is divided into polling districts each with a polling station.
The consultation is to find out the suitability of polling stations and whether polling districts need to be amended.
It’s not a consultation about wards and ward boundaries.
Comments are invited from members of the public until 2 September 2019. Final proposals will be put to the Full Council in October and used in elections after 1 December 2019.
Representations can be made by email to or by post to The Elections Office, Bolton Council, Howell Croft North, Bolton BL1 1QY.
A Notice of Polling District Review and a list of current polling districts and polling stations can be found on our website
or can be inspected at:
- The Elections Office, Howell Croft North
- Farnworth Library
- Horwich Town Council, Horwich Community Centre
- Westhoughton Town Council, Westhoughton Town Hall
- Blackrod Town Council, Public Library