Published: Friday, 23rd Nov 2018

A service that helps unemployed Bolton residents improve their career prospects has received the gold standard for excellence.

Cllr Adia at the WorkshopThe Workshop, run by Bolton Council, has been helping people to improve their employability for a number of years through free one-to-one support, placement opportunities, accredited and non-accredited training, interview practice, CV writing and job searching.

The team was recently awarded the Matrix quality standard for information, advice and guidance services.

Matrix accreditation is an internationally recognised marque awarded to organisations that go the extra mile to help people with their learning, career choices and life goals.

The two-day assessment took place in October with the assessor speaking to staff, Workshop customers, partners and reviewing the results and overall performance of the service.

The report concludes: “The passion and commitment of all of the team for their role is tangible.”

“Staff talk enthusiastically about how they want to help customers and the pleasure they take in the many success stories to which they have contributed.”

During the assessment, one service user told the assessor: “They are very respectful to people with issues. You are always treated with respect which has boosted my confidence.”

Another added: “The team works together to help you, if one of them doesn’t know the answer to something then someone else will.”

This is an exciting time for Bolton’s economy as businesses choose to invest in our town.

Deputy Leader of Bolton Council, Cllr Ebrahim Adia, said:

“This is an exciting time for Bolton’s economy as businesses choose to invest in our town.

“A key part of this regeneration is making sure our residents have the right support and guidance to take advantage of these new opportunities.

“It’s clear from the feedback of service users that The Workshop team are dedicated to helping people find sustainable and rewarding employment.

“Congratulations to them on this well-deserved recognition.”

The Workshop are currently helping customers through the Skills for Employment programme, a Greater Manchester scheme which offers free one-to-one support, training, qualifications, work experience and help finding the perfect job.

For more information about The Workshop’s services call (01204) 333 209, visit the website or follow “The Workshop Bolton” on Facebook.