Owners of empty homes and would-be buyers are being urged to come along to a free matchmaking event.
Owners of empty homes and would-be buyers are being urged to come along to a free matchmaking event.
The initiative has been organised by Bolton Council’s Empty Homes team to get properties back into use.
Owners of properties can also get help and advice, and during national Empty Homes Week, which runs from October 15 to October 19, the council wants more landlords and property owners to use their services.
The session will take place at Castle Hill Centre, Castleton Street, BL2 2JW on Thursday, October 18 between 5pm and 6.30pm.
The event is free, open to both groups, but attendance must be registered in advance by e-mailing housingstandards@bolton.gov.uk. For more information call 01204 338912.
The team works with landlords and owners and due to their intervention between April 2017 and March 2018, 599 long term empty properties are now occupied again.
Bolton Council’s Executive Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, Cllr Nick Peel, said: “We want to help home owners who are looking to sell their home connect with people looking to buy property.
“Our team will also be there on the day to provide help and support. We would always rather work with the owner to get homes back into use for people who need them.”
A range of help is available for people who own empty homes.
Owners of a properties which have been empty for more than six months and meets the eligibility criteria, can apply for an interest free loan to bring their property up to a suitable standard for rental.
The council can also help owners through its online Matchmaker Scheme which matches empty home owners with potential buyers.
The team also offers advice about how to rent out properties.
If you see an empty property which is causing an issue or you own an empty home and want help, please contact the Housing Standards Team on 01204 338912 or e-mail housingstandards@bolton.gov.uk.