Published: Monday, 2nd Jul 2018

Young people in Farnworth are to benefit from improved services with the redevelopment of a centre.

Plans will also see a range of health services for families and young people moved into a new facility at King Street in the town.

The current youth centre and offices at King Street in Farnworth are to be renovated as a joint facility in the £350,000 scheme. The building is currently significantly under occupied with all office space having previously been vacated.

The scheme, developed with young people, will see the re-development of the building for Early Years, Connexions, Play and Youth Services. The building will see significant refurbishment to ensure this is suitable for young children, including new play areas, family room, children’s nursery, multi-purpose activity room, health rooms, pram store and reception area.

The centre will also become the new area hub for the Start Well Service which will provide or facilitate activities such as stay, play and learn sessions, antenatal and Well Baby Clinics, parenting support, parent and community-led activities. A number of children’s health service staff from Farnworth Health Centre will also move into the refurbished building.

The Connexions Service will continue to provide careers advice and support for young people aged 13-19 from the new building. Play and Youth Services will also return to the site with youth clubs for young people aged 13-19, and junior sessions (5-12 year olds) during the holidays.

This will then provide an opportunity to work with health partners and the community and voluntary sector providers to deliver a number of activities which will engage local families in their child’s development and learning, and offer taster early education sessions for two year old children and their families to improve take up of these sessions.

The works are set to start on 16 July 2018.

Young people have been at the heart of the plans with Play and Youth Service staff discussing the scheme with them.

Alternative arrangements are in place for the delivery of Youth sessions while the centre is being refurbished.

The Connexions Service will also maintain a service in Farnworth throughout the works, with discussions taking place with Bolton Library Service regarding the use of Farnworth Library for the Connexions Drop-in on Wednesday afternoons when the library is usually closed.

“The new look Farnworth Children’s and Young People’s Centre will be a welcome boost to the community,” said Councillor Ann Cunliffe, Executive Cabinet Member for Children’s Services.

“Young people in the area have been at the heart of the plans and we’ve received some very positive feedback.

“The Farnworth centre is just one of the improvements we are making to Start Well centres as part of a £800k package to improve the lives of children and young people and ensure the most disadvantaged and vulnerable get the best possible start in life as possible.”