Published: Friday, 5th Jan 2018

Parents are reminded to submit their application for a primary school place before the January 15, 2018 deadline.

Families with children who are due to start Reception class in September 2018 can apply either online or by post and should have received details about how to do this before Christmas.

Once registered for an online application, parents should receive an email which includes a password and instructions on how to submit an application.

Any online changes can be made right up until the deadline date and offers for online applications will be emailed on April 16.

Alternatively, parents can complete a paper application form and that too must be received by Bolton Council by 5pm on January 15. Applications made on the paper form will receive an offer in the post after April 16.

Cabinet Member for Education, Schools, Safeguarding and Looked after Children, Cllr Ann Cunliffe, said: “Understandably, families will have been busy in the run up to the Christmas period and therefore may not have completed their application form or started it with the intention of completing it at a later date.

“However, now that the festivities are over I would urge people to dig out the form or get back online to make sure they submit their application before the deadline date.

“Starting primary school is one of the most significant steps in a child’s life, so it’s crucial that parents submit their application for Reception class at the appropriate time.”

For more information about the application process visit the schools section of our website.

Anyone who hasn’t received a pack or has further questions can contact Pupil and Student Services on 01204 332143 or 01204 332137.