Published: Wednesday, 8th Nov 2023

Three Bolton residents have been ordered to pay a total of £3,431 for dumping their household waste.

Ward macdonald ave wasteAll three were convicted in their absence at Bolton Magistrates court on Monday 30 October after failing to pay Fixed Penalty Notices.         

Lazlo Horvath of Lawn Street was convicted of littering after dumping a double mattress outside his home. Horvath was fined £200 and ordered to pay an £80 victim surcharge and £862 in costs.

Kelly Mort of Earnshaw Street was convicted of littering after dumping bin bags of waste in the back street of her home address. Mort was fined £200 and ordered to pay an £80 victim surcharge and £836 in costs.

Ann Ward of Macdonald Avenue, Farnworth was convicted of failing to deal with household waste after dumping bin bags of rubbish by the side of a public bin.

Enforcement officers were able to identify Ward as the offender from letters contained in the waste. Ward was fined £200 and ordered to pay an £80 victim surcharge and £893 in costs. 

Garry Parker, Bolton Council’s Assistant Director for Environment and Regulatory Services, said:

“Most people take pride in the place they live and don’t litter. But for those that do, we will investigate and take enforcement action wherever we can.

“The council hopes these substantial costs send a clear message to anyone who thinks it’s acceptable to dump waste.

“Flytipping and littering is not only an eyesore, it costs the council and therefore the taxpayer, thousands of pounds every year to clean up.     

“All residents have a legal duty to dispose of their waste responsibly.”