Bolton Council is asking people about their experiences of using schools, libraries, leisure centres, Start Well centres and other council owned buildings across the borough.
It wants to hear from residents, businesses, organisations and council staff about how satisfied they are with the upkeep and maintenance of these buildings.
As part of a review of its corporate property services, the council is also keen to have comments from tenants who lease buildings and land from it, as well as from those who buy property from the council.
Feedback that highlights where the service is working well and where improvements could be made would be valuable.
Council owned offices and town halls are included in the consultation, as well as locations open to the public.
Things as wide ranging as heating, air conditioning, accessibility, toilets, lifts and security are open for feedback.
In total, the council is responsible for 1,722 properties and land holdings across over 2,000 hectares of land, including offices, children’s homes, car parks and playing fields.
Bolton Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, Cllr Adele Warren, said: “The council’s buildings are much more than just bricks and mortar.
“Whether it’s sports and leisure, looking after children, borrowing books or a host of other things, these facilities are home to services that play an important part in people’s lives.
“So we take our legal responsibility to ensure that these buildings are well maintained very seriously.
“Hearing about people’s experiences of using them will help us to keep them safe, attractive and fit for purpose.”
The consultation runs from 10 March to 07 April and is available online here.
A paper copy of the survey or documents is available by emailing, or calling 01204 334 875 and leaving your name, address, telephone number and the name of the consultation (property services).