Residents have a chance to share their views on how to make Bolton a safer place to live, work and visit.
Bolton Community Safety Partnership has launched a survey to try and gain a better understanding of crime and anti-social behaviour in the borough.
Responses to the survey will be used alongside other data to help set the partnership’s priorities for the next three years.
The survey is designed so residents can share their main concerns and safety priorities, and these will feed directly into the actions and aims of the partnership.
Bolton Community Safety Partnership is made up of local organisations who work together to make the borough safer by reducing crime and tackling anti-social behaviour.
Members include statutory agencies like Bolton Council, Greater Manchester Police, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue and health providers as well as the probation and youth justice services.
They work with others such as housing providers and charities or community groups through Bolton CVS.
The partnership also wants residents to share new ideas for making their area safer, and to hear from communities who want to take a more active role in making their neighbourhoods safer.
The survey can be accessed online via the Bolton Council website and will be open until September 12.
Reducing crime and keeping residents safe is a top priority for both Bolton Council and our key partners.
Cllr Mudasir Dean said:
“Reducing crime and keeping residents safe is a top priority for both Bolton Council and our key partners.
“In order to help us do this, we need to understand what issues are of biggest concern to people who live and work in the borough.
“It is vital that we hear from as many people as possible as the responses will have a direct impact on what we do to keep everyone safe.”
A separate survey, looking specifically at reducing crime and increasing safety in New Bury, is also open.
It is part of a pilot project looking at how best to involve local communities in making their areas safer for everyone.
The online survey is open until September 12 and is only for people who live or regularly visit New Bury.