Published: Wednesday, 27th Jan 2021

Older people in Bolton are being urged to top up their weekly income by making sure they claim Pension Credit.

Bolton pensioners are being urged to check if they are eligible for Pension Credit

Bolton pensioners are being urged to check if they are eligible for Pension Credit

Nearly 5,000 older people in Bolton may not be claiming Pension Credit which they are entitled to - meaning they could be missing out on more than £60 a week in extra financial support.

Claiming Pension Credit is also crucial if pensioners are to get access to financial benefits including free TV licenses for the over 75s, housing benefit, Council Tax support and money towards home insultation.

Now a new campaign is being launched to make sure those who can claim do so.

It's estimated that one in three pensioners who could be entitled to Pension Credit are not getting the support they are entitled to.

Bolton Council is backing the campaign which is being led by Greater Manchester Ageing Hub and Greater Manchester Housing Providers (GMHP) which represents local social housing landlords.

Cllr Sue Baines, Bolton Council Executive Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing said: "Our pensioners have had an incredibly tough time during the Covid-19 pandemic: facing the greatest risk from the virus and often being cut off and isolated from family and friends.

"Financial hardship shouldn't be something else they have to worry about but sadly many of our older people are struggling to make ends meet. Pension Credit is not a handout - it is a benefit which many of our older people will be entitled to and it's important people check to see if they can claim.

"Don't be put off - help is out there if you are unsure about how to apply. And by accessing Pension Credit you will also ensure you can access other forms of financial support targeted at pensioners."

Across Greater Manchester, those behind the campaign say £75million in Pension Credit is going unclaimed every year - with 43,000 people potentially missing out on the extra help.

For information on Pension Credit visit or contact Bolton Age Concern for help with applying on 01204 382411 or email

For general help with money issues and information head to Bolton’s Money Skills Service website:

If you’re a Bolton at Home tenant, the Money Advice Team can offer you support with Pension Credit applications and help with other money matters. Phone 01204 328000.

You can also apply to claim Pension Credit via the government's website at