Published: Wednesday, 30th Dec 2020

Everyone in our borough is being urged to stay home this New Year and celebrate online with friends and family instead. 

Celebrate New Year's Eve with your friends online


Bolton Council says with Covid-19 infection rates rising across the country, and the borough’s move into tier 4 from New Year’s Eve, it’s vital people don’t mix indoors with people outside their household or support bubble.

And with New Year’s Eve traditionally being a time for indoor celebrations people are being asked to not attend parties or indoor gatherings of any kind. Instead, people are asked to make video or phone calls to those they can’t be with.

Bolton Council leader David Greenhalgh said: “I know that the vast majority of us will be glad to see the back of 2020, but the only guaranteed safe way to spend this New Year is at home with those you live with or people in your support bubble. This isn’t what any of us want, or be asking others to do, but unfortunately the parties and the get-togethers that we all crave will have to wait this year as we are still at grave risk from Covid-19 and the new variant.

“I thank everyone who has worked so hard to bring our infection rates down in Bolton but we can’t let our guard down yet. 

“The two vaccines which have been approved offer us real hope that we will be able to return to something like normality by the spring. 

“But it will take time for the vaccines to be fully rolled out and in the meantime we all need to keep doing everything we can to stop the virus from spreading further.

“Let’s be imaginative with how we celebrate this year and take advantage of online opportunities to get together. The time will come when we can meet up in person but until then let’s keep the Bolton family safe by keeping our distance.

“Finally, I want to wish everyone in Bolton a happy New Year. We’ve been through so much together in 2020 and I want to thank you all for the way you’ve responded to this crisis. We still face difficult days ahead but I am confident 2021 will be a better year for us all.”  

Bolton’s public health team say one in three people who have the virus don’t have symptoms so people are often unaware they pose a risk to others. People should continue to act as if they have the virus – and reduce social contact as much as possible.

It’s also essential to continue with regular handwashing, social distancing and wearing a face covering where required to do so. Allowing fresh air into your home by opening windows and doors can also reduce the risk of transmission.

Bolton’s Covid-19 rates remain below the national average but numbers remain high and across Greater Manchester rates have been rising in recent weeks.

For the latest information on guidance and the new tier 4 restrictions visit:  

  • Christmas and New Year can be a difficult time when people often struggle with their mental health. The Covid-19 pandemic has only added to these pressures. Help is available …

Shout Crisis Service 24/7 text service (with trained crisis volunteers who will chat using trained techniques via text responses). Bolton residents should text GMBolton to 85258.

Samaritans Bolton Tel 116 123 free from any phone

Time2Talk family mediation service. Time2Talk offers free, confidential, and impartial mediation interventions to Bolton residents to improve relationships and to stop situations reaching crisis point. Call 01204 331965 or email