We understand that young people in Bolton are getting fed up of the restrictions.
Finding fun and covid-safe things to do during the holidays might seem impossible but here are just some of the thing you can do locally:
- Go for a walk in a group of maximum 6 friends
- Socialise online
- Phone a friend
- Go to the gym or for a swim
- Go for a run with a friend
- Take part in outdoor sports
- Go to the library
- Go shopping (solo)
- Treat yourself to a trip to the hairdressers or barbers
We know the situation is far from ideal, but it won’t be forever and by following the rules you will help to save lives.
Finally, don’t forget to wear a face mask, wash your hands regularly and keep 2m apart.
Thank you for playing your part and doing your bit to help get the rate down.
Do you know if your child or teenager is following the restrictions?
Having a child who wants to go out with their friends and is missing out on their old life is tough, but they need you to help them make the responsible choices.
Talking about coronavirus and what it means to them is important. Our advice:
- Empathise – it’s okay to feel anger or resentment about the rules
- Use clear strong messages about the rules – it’s for their safety and will ultimately save lives
- It’s temporary - remind them it won’t be like this forever things will return to normal
- Talk about the specific rules – wear a face mask, staying 2m apart, wash your hands for 20 seconds
- Help them to understand what they can do - they can socialise online and in groups of 6 in outdoor public spaces (or see handy ideas above)