Published: Monday, 21st Dec 2020

You are invited by churches across the borough of Bolton borough to join in watch tonight’s online carol service, ‘Bolton’s Big Carol Service’.

Bolton's Christmas Carol concert on YouTube and Facebook at 7pm on Mon 21 Dec

You are invited by churches across the borough of Bolton borough to join in watch tonight’s online carol service, ‘Bolton’s Big Carol Service’.

It will be available to watch on YouTube and Facebook at 7pm on Mon 21 Dec, and any time after that by:


  • By searching ‘Bolton’s Big Carol Service’ on YouTube or Facebook

More than 40 Bolton Churches, Christian organisations and community groups have contributed towards or participated in the service.

There are carols and music from: St Peter’s Halliwell, The Salvation Army, King’s Church Breightmet, Bolton Parish Church, Bishop Bridgeman Primary School, Bridge Church and the Bolton Music Service Singers.