This form is to be used by professionals making requests of Bolton Children’s Services for information relating to a child or their family.
Please make sure you have referred to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 before requesting information via this form.
The GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 does not prevent, or limit, the sharing of information for the purposes of keeping children and young people safe.
To effectively share information:
- All practitioners should be confident of the processing conditions with allow them to store, and share, the information that they need to carry out their safeguarding role. Information is relevant to safeguarding and will often be dad which is considered ‘special category personal data’ meaning it is sensitive and personal.
- Where practitioners need to share special category personal data, they should be aware that the data protection Act 2018 includes ‘safeguarding of chidlren and individuals risk’ as a condition that allows practitioners to share information without consent.
- Information can be shared legally without consent, if a practitioner is unable to, cannot be reasonably expected to gain consent from the individual, or if to gain consent could place a child at risk.
- Relevant personal information can be shared lawfully if it is to keep a child or individual at risk from neglect or physical, emotional or mental harm or if it is protecting their physical, mental or emotional wellbeing.
Please also refer to Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 which sets out guidance around information sharing.
A response to your request will be made within 5 working days of receipt. If this does not occur, please contact us on tel. 01204 331500.