Fostering - Do Something Great mini poster

Foster carers do an amazing job?  Agreed.

But what does it take to be a foster carer?

A special kind of person?

Could you do it?

At Bolton Council we challenge you to think again…

Foster carers welcome children into their home, who are not their own. They take care of them; provide meals for them; help them with their schoolwork; encourage play and leisure activities; listen to them when they need help; cheer them on when they are doing well; and much much more.

Foster carers are trained and skilled in providing children and young people with the foundations they need to be the best that they can be. But to do that, in order to encourage our younger generation to be the best; our carers have to believe that they can be the best too.

They have to believe they will cope with the challenges which fostering can bring.

They have to know that in order to take on the responsibility of another child, that they are supported, and their needs are met.

Our carers need to know that they are not alone.

And just like the child they look after needs to know that someone is listening, protecting, supporting, and encouraging them; our foster carers need to know that too.

That’s why at Bolton, we listen, we support, we encourage, we train and we value our foster carers, so they can be the best at what they do and continue to Do Something Great.


Our NEW fostering recruitment brochure provides an insight on what fostering is about, it outlines the benefits of fostering with the council, informs on the process of becoming a foster carer, the training and support that is available, and discusses the opportunities and rewards of fostering for Bolton Council.

Could you Do Something Great? Let us help you find out.

Email, or visit our fostering pages and fill out our Fostering enquiry form.  Or call 0300 303 0321 today!