Main symptoms of foodborne illness/food poisoning
If you are suffering from the following symptoms, please consult your GP:
- diarrhoea
- stomach cramps
- vomiting
- fever
- nausea
- headache
- dizziness
Infectious diseases
Certain infectious diseases are notifiable by your GP to Public Health England, and are investigated by the consultant in communicable disease control (CCDC) or by officers of the Local Authority. The council investigates food poisoning and other notifiable food borne illnesses.
The purpose of this investigation is to try to prevent the spread of illness within the community and to try and establish possible causes. Advice is also given to the patient on how to prevent the spread of disease within the home.
Once a food poisoning notification is received, we will contact the person with the symptoms and ask them questions regarding:
- what and where they've eaten prior to their illness
- details of their symptoms
- whether they've been on holiday abroad
- whether or not their GP has taken a faecal sample
- whether anybody else they ate with also experienced any symptoms
Returning to work/school:
If the person is a food handler or health care/nursery worker with highly susceptible patients, they cannot return to work until they have been symptom-free for 48 hours. They must also inform their employer of their symptoms.
Children aged under 5 years, or individuals unable to maintain good standards of personal hygiene, should not return until they have also been symptom-free for 48 hours.