
In July 2024, we welcomed a delegation from the Local Government Association as part of the Corporate Peer Challenge review process, this is tried and trusted method of improvement.  It provides councils with a robust and effective improvement and assurance tool which is owned and delivered by the sector, for the sector. Peers remain at the heart of the peer challenge process and provide a 'practitioner perspective' and 'critical friend' challenge. 

The Council last undertook a peer challenge in 2018 and this review forms part of the Councils ongoing engagement with the LGA. Over 150 staff, elected members, partners and residents from across Bolton participated in a series of individual interviews and group discussions with members of the LGA team over 4 consecutive days.

These discussions help the peer team understand how effective the organisation is at providing services, measuring where it is delivering plans and priorities. It does this by reviewing its strengths and areas for improvement, offering a list of recommendations following the challenge.

Peer Review report and recommendations

The purpose of a peer review is to identify what improvements we could and should make. Findings from the report are overwhelmingly positive and as part of our continuous improvement journey, we welcome the 13 recommendations for actioning.

The report is perhaps best summarised in its opening lines, highlighting the dedication of our staff, members, partners, and residents in delivering a One Bolton approach.

"Bolton Council is a proud and caring council with a strong commitment to delivering improved outcomes for people, families, and communities."

What does the report cover?

The peer team explore five core components (underpinning features of good performance):

  • Local priorities and outcomes: Are the council’s priorities clear and informed by the local context? Is the council delivering effectively on its priorities and achieving improved outcomes for all its communities? 
  • Organisational and place leadership: Does the council provide effective local leadership? Are there good relationships with partner organisations and local communities?
  • Governance and culture: Are there clear and robust governance arrangements?  Is there a culture of respect, challenge and scrutiny?
  • Financial planning and management: Does the council have a clear understanding of its current financial position? Does the council have a strategy and a clear plan to address its financial challenges?
  • Capacity for improvement: Is the organisation able to support delivery of local priorities?  Does the council have the capacity to improve

Please see our LGA Peer Review Position Statement 2024 responding to these as well as an executive summary of this document. 

What happens next?

In response to the LGA report the Council is in the process of developing an action plan on how we intend to deliver against the recommendations. This plan will be made available and uploaded to this webpage in December. 2024.