Little Lever Urban District Council: 1938-39 (Conservative)
Little Lever 1 February 1901
Bolton District General Hospital, Farnworth 25 November 1958

Railway Clerk working at several local stations and depots including Plodder Lane, Burnden and Patricroft where he was Chief Clerk.

His grandfather, Samuel Fogg was a member of the old Local Board and District Council and his uncle, James Fogg was Chairman of Little Lever UDC 1915-17 and 1930-31.

He was a Councillor for 15 years from 1935 until retirement in 1950 and Chairman of the Finance Committee for nine years. He was also a member of the Library Sub-committee.

Child welfare was one of his keen interests and he was a Governor of Farnworth Grammar School and a manager of Little Lever Secondary Modern School. He strongly opposed a proposal to convert Little Lever Secondary School to a Junior and Infants School which would have meant children over 11 having to travel to another neighbourhood.

During the Second World War   he was Chief Air-raid Warden for Little Lever.

He was an active member of Little Lever Conservative Club and a former Chairman and Committee member.

Freemason. Master of Earl Ellesmere Lodge No 678.
