Pests we deal with and what we charge

Pest control

If the pest isn't listed please contact us at for a quote. You need to pay up front by debit or credit card.

Pest Type of visit Fee
Rats Treatment visit and up 1 follow up visit £46
Mice Treatment visit and up 1 follow up visit £46
Ants One-off treatment £80
Wasps One-off treatment £74.50
Wasps above gutter height One-off treatment £89
Wasps additional nest on site  One-off treatment £28.50
Beetles One-off treatment £80
Flies One-off treatment £80
Silverfish One-off treatment £80
Fleas One-off treatment £80
Squirrels Daily visits for a week £162
Bed Bugs, Cockroaches, Moles Survey only £45.50
Pigeons, Pigeon clean Survey only Free
Pigeons, Pigeon clean One-off treatment Variable

Book an appointment



Telephone: 01204 336553

Address: Pest Control Unit
Ellesmere House
Mayor Street Depot
Ellesmere Street