
Christmas and New Year 2023

Licensees should remember that both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve fall on a Sunday this year.  

This means that, unless you have a special authorisation on your premises licence for Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve with extended hours, the hours permitted on your licence will be those for a Sunday, which traditionally can be less than other days of the week.

Check your premises licence and see whether you have any special permissions for Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve trading, and if so, check that those permissions apply to all the licensable activities you plan to offer on those nights – the sale of alcohol, regulated entertainment etc.

You have time to apply for a temporary event notice (TEN) if your premises licence doesn’t permit what you need.

For Christmas Eve extensions you must submit your TEN by 8 Decembe,r or by 15 December for a Late TEN.

Please remember the Police or Environmental Health can refuse a Late TEN.

For New Year’s Eve the last dates for submitting your TEN is 13 December or 20 December for a Late TEN.

Please note:

During the festive period there may be a delay in processing applications.

Our offices will be closed on 25th - 26th December 2023 and 1 January 2024. Between these dates the office will be operating a reduced service.  

Please ensure applications are submitted in good time with all supporting documentation required.


Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service Winter Licensing Campaign 2023

Please see attached communication we have been asked to share on behalf of Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS).

"GMFRS are writing to invite you to attend a free online Fire Safety presentation to help you understand your legal responsibilities under the Fire Safety Order and to help you protect your business from fire.

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) is hosting these presentations as part of their commitment to supporting businesses across Greater Manchester.

The Christmas period is a busy one for hospitality premises dates in order to support hospitality businesses GMFRS is pleased to offer you an opportunity a presentation which will be held over two dates highlighting the importance of fire safety and some of the increased risks of fire over the Christmas and new year period.

These online events are provided free of charge and are aimed at people who own or manage pubs, bars and clubs across Greater Manchester.

Please see attached letter for full details and instructions how to book on to the free sessions.

Also included is a short advice sheet with some key information for you to consider to ensure that you are complying with your legal obligations in relation to Fire Safety.

Further advice and information can be found on our website, under Business Fire Safety."

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service winter licensing campaign 2023


Fire Safety Advice: Risks from flammable decorations

Please see the Fire Safety Advice: Risks from flammable decorations letter we have been asked to share with all licenced premises on behalf of Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) to raise awareness of the potential fire risk in relation to decorations used to line walls and ceilings in hospitality premises.


Poster for spiking

Dear Licence Holder, Designated Premises Supervisor, Manager,

Please find a Spiking poster from the College of Policing, which is connected to drink spiking. This explains what spiking is, and what to do if you think a member of staff, customer or you have been spiked, and what happens when you’re tested.

Please speak to all your staff, including door staff, about the content of this poster, and display copies of it in appropriate areas inside your venue, for example the toilets and bar area.

Your support will assist with our ongoing work and investigations into spiking incidents.


Should we keep rules around alcohol and behaviour?

Bolton Council’s consultation on alcohol and antisocial behaviour, crime and disorder closes in just over a week (Thursday 05 October). Don’t miss your chance to have your say on this important topic.

The current rules allow the police and authorised personnel to tell people to stop drinking alcohol if they believe it is fuelling anti-social behaviour, crime or disorder. However, the rules are being reviewed and we need to know whether there is support to continue them for another three years.

Please help to spread the word about the consultation and have your say at

Bonfire night

As Bonfire night approaches we are aware many licensed premises will be holding events.  Firework displays should be enjoyable occasions but safety is paramount and planning is essential.

The links below give advice on how to run an outdoor firework display safely.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your local fire station.


Should we keep rules around alcohol and behaviour?

Should we continue to control the consumption of alcohol in Bolton’s public places when it is linked to anti-social behaviour, crime and disorder?

Bolton Council is holding a consultation as the current rules are being reviewed and we need to know whether there is public support to continue them.

They allow the police and authorised personnel to tell people to stop consuming alcohol if they believe it is fuelling anti-social behaviour, crime or disorder.

Please help to spread the word about the consultation and have your say at

2022 World Cup

The documents linked below contain advice for premises during the 2022 World Cup.

Online workshops

In the run up to the FIFA World Cup and the Christmas season, Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service are keen to work with licensed premises to help you understand how to keep your staff and customers safe. 

Pease see attached letter from Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) to invite you to attend a free online Fire Safety Seminar which is being held in conjunction with Bolton Council.  The seminars are aimed at supporting people who own or manage hospitality businesses to help them understand their legal responsibilities for fire safety and help protect their business from fire.

The workshops will cover the following topics:

  • The Fire Safety Order 2005 and how it applies to your business
  • How to comply with the Fire Safety Order
  • Guidance on the requirements in completing a suitable fire risk assessment
  • Suitable alarm systems
  • Ensuring safe escape from your premises

The first of the online workshops was held on Wednesday 28 September and further workshops are to be held on:

4 October - 1pm – 3pm
13 October - 10am – 12 noon
20 October - 2pm – 4pm

Anyone who owns or manages a licensed or other hospitality business can register for these online workshops via EventBrite.

Please note that the workshops are only open to businesses in Greater Manchester.