Current Campaigns
Bolton Safeguarding Adults Week
‘We are committed to continuous improvement, learning from experience and enabling adults at risk of neglect and abuse to have a voice’.
As part of the Bolton Safeguarding Adult Boards (BSAB) key ambition of developing an excellent Adults Workforce, we ran exciting and innovative programmes for Adults Safeguarding Weeks in 2022, 2023 and 2024. The presentations and recordings, where permitted, have been saved here.
Please note that this page is aimed at professionals and is only accessible via a password available on request.
If you feel that the Adult Safeguarding Week programmes are is suitable to support you in meeting the requirements of your role please contact The Bolton Safeguarding Adult Board on: to request access.
Previous Campaigns
Bolton Safeguarding Adults Week - 15th November 2021
Domestic Abuse and Violence (DAV) - Older Adults
During this week of action, the Safeguarding Partnership in Bolton is relaunching the ‘Eyes Wide Open’ campaign, with a focus on older adults. Practitioners will be able to access a range of training to support their continued professional development.
As members of the public, you will be able to follow and get involved in our social media campaign, spot our poster around Bolton, watch videos and download literature to help you develop your understanding of what domestic abuse looks and feels like for an older adult.
Are your Eyes Wide Open to domestic abuse?
What is it?
Domestic abuse is any form of abuse committed by intimate partners, former partners, or family members. People often think of domestic abuse affecting younger people, but any person, any age, any gender can experience domestic abuse. Did you know that one in three women and one in six men are suffering from domestic abuse and violence?
What can I do if I feel unsafe or if I'm worried about someone else?
The best way to protect yourself or a loved one and stop abuse from happening is to tell someone about it. This may be difficult for you to do, especially if the person abusing you is a friend or a family member, but you need to understand that abuse is never acceptable. You can make the change, and there is help and support for you to end it.
If the person who is causing the abuse is a paid or family carer, you may worry that telling someone will mean that you lose the care and support. Please be assured that your care and support needs will continue to be met, and you do not need to worry about this
You can get support and advice from:
- Bolton Safeguarding Adults Team 01204 337000
- Your GP or other NHS health providers
- Bolton at Home 01204 329636
- Fortalice 01204 365677
- Endeavour 01204 394842
- Domestic Abuse helpline 0808 2000 247
- Age UK Advice Line 0800 678 1174
- The Police - you can call the local police on the 101 non-emergency number or call 999 immediately in an emergency
What will happen when I report abuse?
If you are worried or frightened about the actions of a family member or partner towards you, then you can report your concerns to any of the local services above.
They will listen to the information you give them and discuss your options. You can also ask for someone that you trust to support you, or you can ask for an advocate.
Specialist staff will work with you to plan how you stay safe. You will be involved fully in determining what outcomes you want to achieve.
What's happening in Bolton during National Safeguarding Adults Week?
What's happening during National Safeguarding Adults Week? - training available for everyone within the Bolton Partnership
Are your #EyesWideOpen to domestic abuse? - animation with audio
#EyesWideOpen short film featuring Endeavour's CEO, Jill Caldwell
Brenda's Story - trapped and controlled by my spouse
Evergreen Project - the changing face of domestic violence
Safety in Isolation - safety advice for those at risk of domestic abuse who are self-isolating