The council public gallery holds 42 people allocated on a first come first served basis. Public access is from 1.45pm on the day. Meetings will also be broadcast live and a recording will be made.
Heywood Young People's Centre - Children and young people's centres
Picture of building
High Street, Great Lever, Bolton. BL3 6SR
Phone number
01204 334332
Opening times
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 3.30pm-5.30pm 4-12yrs (4yrs old must be in reception, 4, 5 and 6yrs old must be brought and collected by a responsible adult)
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 6.30pm-8.45pm 13-17yrs
Additional sessions in the Easter holidays
Additional sessions in the summer holidays
Arts and crafts
Computer gaming
Cookery / baking
Free Play Activities for 4 - 12 year olds (4yrs old must be in reception)