Go North West Grants

Go North West have decided to offer 6 monthly grants to help benefit communities in the local area.
The grants are £500 to one organisation, and the applications are open from Monday 6th January to 31st January. The applications take approximately 5-10mins to complete.
To apply for the forms the organisation must benefit any of the following communities- Wigan, Bolton or Tameside. The organisation does not have to be from there, but rather benefit the community/the people who live there. All organisations can apply for more than one grant if they benefit multiple communities.
Wigan – https://forms.office.com/e/Yzg0d6dDaV
Bolton – https://forms.office.com/e/WnGvtDuMdx
Tameside – https://forms.office.com/e/1DjGdN0L6v